The Client
The Rossel Printing Company (RPC) centralizes the printing of more than 42 titles of daily newspapers (152 editions) including Le Soir, Sudpresse, L'Echo and the Vlan group’s weeklies. Its activities represent a volume of 200.000 printed copies each night and more than 3 million free weeklies, which requires a rigorous organization and a perfect integration of flows.

The Challenges
The information of the Rossel group can be consumed in many formats and at any time of the day. The first "moment" of this reading experience has often begun by reading the printed newspaper. This shows the importance of respecting the newspaper delivery times at a time when the digital increases the customers expectations in terms of immediacy.
Therefore, with a focus on customer experience excellence to deliver to its “print” readers, RPC looked at its logistics improvement and more particularly the follow-up of newspapers from the printing press.
The objective was on the one hand, the traceability and the generation of transport vouchers in real time. It was, therefore, a matter of following the newspapers pallets and shipping loaders so that they could be replaced immediately, but also to adjust the departure times.
On the other hand, the printing press considered it essential to improve the operators' efficiency and experience within the loading zone thanks to a mobile application.
This application had to meet the following requirements:
Perfectly integrate with the ERP implemented by Audaxis for order planning, production traceability and transport management.
Be very simple and ergonomic, and ask for very little training.
Adapt to the hardware solution chosen by RPC, a Honeywell portable device under Android.
The solution
The mobile application designed by Contraste Digital makes it possible to optimize the customer experience thanks to a fast and simplified information entry related to the loading and sending of newspapers at the exit of the printing press.
The solution focuses on features allowing to speed up and secure critical data entry :
Scanning truck numbers at the carriers arrival
Scanning palett numbers, at the end of production, with a barcode generated by the ERP which allows the products identification and destination
When loading pallets, truck and pallet are scanned and checked.
Generating a transport document
From the truck, an exit scan is used to record the exact time.
The perfect integration with ERP flows was a condition of success. Beyond the technical skills, this integration requires a vision and a global understanding of logistics processes.
The results
RPC has recorded a clear improvement in the day-to-day management of its logistics process :
Optimization of the truck filling
Better management of pallet waiting to be loaded
Issues Analysis (delay, loss, forgetting...) thanks to information collected with the application
The solution also offers a real revolution in terms of user experience.
More speed and efficiency for operators
Informations available in real time
At the end, the reader is secure on the intime delivery of his newspaper. He can start his digital reading experience at the right time.